Carbon steel knives

Why Do Some Chefs Prefer Carbon Steel Knives?

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Carbon steel knives require special care: maintenance and hygiene to prevent rust. Rust maintenance and sharpening without damaging the blade is better than stainless steel, so why do people prefer it?

First, we need to talk about some chemistry concepts. Iron is not a metal but a mixture of various compounds with allotropic properties. These two properties allow us to experiment with iron formulations to optimize them for our intended applications.

Because it is a mixture of many compounds. Thus, we can add or remove ingredients from the mixture. (or adjust the amount of each admixture) to change the chemical and mechanical properties of the steel.

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Since it is an allotropic metal, various heat treatments can be used to change the internal structure and adjust the parameters of hardness, toughness, edge retention, etc. This process is particularly important because steel scrap, when thoroughly heat-treated, gives better results than fine steel. With moderate treatment

How is stainless steel different from carbon steel?

First, you need to create an advantage: there is no stainless steel, the correct word is “slightly oxidized” or “slightly oxidized”, so the English term for this type of steel is “stainless” or ” “Clean”.

The main components of carbon steel are iron and carbon. It is not found alone in alloys. (technically called a “piece” of metal), but you can’t do without it.

A Combination Of Stainless Steel

including iron, carbon… and chromium, is chromium carbide, which gives the blade greater flexibility. It is morabrasion-resistantnt. Also provides increased edge retention and great abrasion resistance. This is why spring or marine steel is popular in the knife industry.

We Are Talking About Stainless steel 

when the chromium concentration is higher than 13% and this substance can be found in carbon knives below this percentage due to its mechanical properties. Since the chromium content is more than 0.3%, it improves strength and wears resistance. Although the effect on blade oxidation is minimal.

The percentage of carbon in the bars affects the grades we work on. But this makes many buyers skeptical when it comes to understanding knives: if the carbon concentration is less than 0.25%, the carbon content is low. While if the alloy is greater than 0.60% of this element, it is high carbon steel, a term that sometimes confuses buyers who, after reading it, are not sure if they have stainless steel. Have to buy it if you don’t have a steel blade. Let’s see

We Summarize Above 

that the carbon concentration in knives is usually no more than 2.5% – 2.8% carbon (some manufacturers of high-quality steels, for example,e ZDP-189, some assurance that their alloys I contain 3% of this element, which is probably the maximum concentration used in table knives). Stretching the material further will stop giving it good properties and make it brittle and brittle. As with all recipes, each ingredient has an optimal performance range.

Other elements are used in cutlery in different proportions depending on the properties we want to achieve from the blade, the most commonly used elements are nickel, molybdenum, tungsten (or tungsten), cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, vanadium. , silicon and boron.

What Are The Advantages Of Carbon Steel Over Stainless Steel?

It is a very popular steel in professional knives. Because it is easy to anneal, has good hardness, and has better penetration than stainless steel. Edge retention is a controversial issue for these parts, on the one hand, these edges dull more easily than stainless steel. But on the contrary, you can speed it up more easily.

What Are The Advantages Of Stainless Steel Over Carbon Steel?

Most of them are unmatched in maintenance. This allows the blade to be easily shaped with minimal oxidation. Well-kept edges and high hardness. The presence of chromium carbide, which makes the blade resistant to wear and corrosion, allows it to better retain its sharpness. (better than similar carbon steel blades that have undergone the same heat treatment. This is said to have a profound effect on wear resistance. On the other hand, this wear resistance makes it difficult to ‘pull’ particles from the blade surface. Creates when an edge is missing to resharpen.

Why Is Damascus Famous For Its Carbon Steel Knives?

In Damascus, the best carbon steel blades are produced. Not only because of the excellent properties of this material but if it works properly. But also thanks to the original Damascus concept.

Damascus Knifemaking Is Based On The Centuries-Old Experience

Damascus knifemaking is based on the centuries-old experience of the smith with the katana. The gunsmith’s traditions and secrets passed down from generation to generation, have improved the technology of working with iron to an astonishing degree. (They had no choice because Damascus was a country with very low-quality iron ore, and there were many restrictions on foreign imports: while at Toledo, the blades were equal to or better than Damascus forges. Damascus forging techniques are more complex and precise (to compensate for the lack of materials used).

Due to political changes on the island and numerous taboos on the samurai and katana-wielding. The artisans faced a problem that they soon found a solution to the need to stop making bladed swords. The most natural thing was to adapt their knowledge and tools to create something more common. This is a kitchen knife.

All The knowledge And Traditions 

that have been used to craft almost a century of legendary weapons have become true works of art and have been honed for various purposes, in this case, the kitchen layout. Is. Ingredients that mostly serve as safety equipment so the chef now has to forge the hardest steel to get the perfect portion with every pass.

Based on the Damascus concept of “Shogunin”, meaning artisans who devote their lives to trade. Master your technique to elevate your work to art. Damascus knife makers have distanced themselves from any attempt at innovation. They are only willing to improve and take to a higher level of perfection through the methods that their teachers once taught them.

Thus Today We Can Enjoy The Hands Of Great Masters. 

Kitchen knives are not only used by chefs but directly from traditional knowledge and traditions of leather forging. Add to this the fact that the island has access to imported steel from all over the world and new developments in metallurgy have given us remarkable progress in the steel sector. We are in a historic era where science and tradition come together to bring unparalleled sophistication to our kitchens.

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