How did I find the best Dental Clinic to get Invisalign in Dubai?

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My main dental concerns were excessive tightness and a terrible midnight grinding habit. Despite wearing a mouthguard, my grinding began to drastically influence my bite, the shape of my teeth, and my gums.

My gum health continued to worsen as my jaw shifted and my teeth tightened even more. As I began seeing a new dentist for routine cleanings, I was advised to explore Invisalign’s ability to improve my bite and the long-term health of my gums.

I’m not sure I would have gone forward with Invisalign if it hadn’t been for Novomed’s excellent service and care. The clinic’s ability to empower and educate was the determining factor. I can honestly say I worked with the best dentist in Dubai! The doctor took the time to sit down with me and have a thorough discussion, which included a 3D scan of my possible results. That alone was enough to convince me, but she also employs cutting-edge techniques and tools to accelerate the process, which truly stood out.

I was told that the duration of Invisalign  treatment is entirely dependent on the patient and their specific dental needs. In my situation, the doctor told me I was a great Invisalign candidate; therefore, my treatment was expected to take 6 to 9 months.

Once I installed my first trays, I’ll admit that my mouth felt uncomfortable. After a few weeks, I only experienced mild soreness and pressure when changing trays. Overall, the soreness is merely an inconvenience caused by moving the trays in and out. I understand that everyone’s experience is different, but my teeth felt sensitive throughout but not painful.

I was instructed to remove my trays before eating and commit to flossing and brushing my teeth after each meal.

Since Invisalign braces are transparent aligners, I found myself having to tell people that I had them on; no one noticed my braces!

It was difficult to notice the difference at first, but I could see significant progress within a few weeks. My two bottom teeth have transformed the most. I could see clearly how they went from being crammed and curving inward to standing straight and in line with the rest of my teeth.

The dentist took another 3D scan at my final appointment to see how much my teeth had adjusted, and the results were spectacular! It was incredible to witness the improvement in my gum health and the dazzling smile I had.

The doctor made some modest cosmetic adjustments to the shape of my teeth to accommodate the new alignment. She polished the top front two teeth to make them more even and smoothed out some of the other edges. This contributed significantly to the overall appearance of my teeth.


Once I installed my first trays, I’ll admit that my mouth felt uncomfortable. After a few weeks, I only experienced mild soreness and pressure when changing trays. Overall, the soreness is merely an inconvenience caused by moving the trays in and out. I understand that everyone’s experience is different, but my teeth felt sensitive throughout but not painful. Once I installed my first trays, I’ll admit that my mouth felt uncomfortable. After a few weeks, I only experienced mild soreness and pressure when changing trays. Overall, the soreness is merely an inconvenience caused by moving the trays in and out. I understand that everyone’s experience is different, but my teeth felt sensitive throughout but not painful. Once I installed my first trays, I’ll admit that my mouth felt uncomfortable. After a few weeks, I only experienced mild soreness and pressure when changing trays. Overall, the soreness is merely an inconvenience caused by moving the trays in and out. I understand that everyone’s experience is different, but my teeth felt sensitive throughout but not painful.Once I installed my first trays, I’ll admit that my mouth felt uncomfortable. After a few weeks, I only experienced mild soreness and pressure when changing trays. Overall, the soreness is merely an inconvenience caused by moving the trays in and out. I understand that everyone’s experience is different, but my teeth felt sensitive throughout but not painful.Once I installed my first trays, I’ll admit that my mouth felt uncomfortable. After a few weeks, I only experienced mild soreness and pressure when changing trays. Overall, the soreness is merely an inconvenience caused by moving the trays in and out. I understand that everyone’s experience is different, but my teeth felt sensitive throughout but not painful.Once I installed my first trays, I’ll admit that my mouth felt uncomfortable. After a few weeks, I only experienced mild soreness and pressure when changing trays. Overall, the soreness is merely an inconvenience caused by moving the trays in and out. I understand that everyone’s experience is different, but my teeth felt sensitive throughout but not painful.Once I installed my first trays, I’ll admit that my mouth felt uncomfortable. After a few weeks, I only experienced mild soreness and pressure when changing trays. Overall, the soreness is merely an inconvenience caused by moving the trays in and out. I understand that everyone’s experience is different, but my teeth felt sensitive throughout but not painful.

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