Web Development

Eight Exceptional Web Development Trends

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The world around us has gone digital. As a result, a prominent online presence is no longer a choice but a necessity for businesses. And web development is the basis of any business that has any presence online.

The career prospects of web developers are superb, making web development a hugely popular undergraduate & post-graduate program and a significant professional certification for those looking to pivot. It is a vast & challenging domain, however, and many learners look for assignment help and programming paper help services to understand concepts & solve challenging problems & scenarios.

Aspiring web developers need solid coding skills & knowledge about software engineering AND need to remain updated with the latest happenings in the business.

8 Biggest Trends In Web Development in 2022

As digitization seeps into every aspect and layer of our society, websites and web applications have become major channels for businesses of all kinds, shapes, and sizes.

Such exponential expansion is indicative of an ever-changing and ever-evolving domain. New processes and techniques that boost productivity, efficiency, & performance come up while old ones that were once the standard become obsolete. While such is the case for almost all domains, such a change of guard happens much faster in web development.

Any web developer needs to be well aware of the most prominent trends in the industry. And this article takes a look into the web development trends that have taken 2022 by storm.

1. Progressive Web Applications

The progressive web approach blurs the line between web and native applications. They behave like native mobile applications but are faster, offer a host of functionalities even when offline, provide a superb, hassle-free user experience and come with numerous SEO-friendly features.

Many companies use progressive web apps, including Uber, Pinterest, Twitter Lite, Starbucks, Instagram, Alibaba, Forbes, and much more.

With more than 50% of web traffic emanating from smartphones & mobile devices, the demand for PWAs has hit the roof. Generic websites and web applications are now redesigned and revamped to integrate native mobile features. Besides better performance & user experience, PWA development is faster, more cost-effective, and has lower operational costs.

In 2022, progressive web development witnessed the implementation of major technologies such as Angular, React, Lit, etc. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three central pillars of PWA and every other type of web development process to date.

2. AI Chatbots

Leveraging machine learning, natural language processing techniques, and effective information retrieval systems, AI chatbots can engage with customers, gather data, deliver accurate answers to the most frequently asked questions, and retrieve a wide array of information.

You will now find state-of-the-art AI chatbots in major websites & web applications. They are staples on prominent e-commerce, e-learning, banking & finance websites and application, with major brand names using these bots as the first point of contact for visitors. By 2023, AI chatbots are expected to become a significant channel comprising more than 79% of all online interactions.

If you want to design AI chatbot systems, only web development skills and knowledge may not suffice. Though there are loads of ready-made chatbot add-ons, if you want to build a chatbot from scratch, solid maths & stats skills and proper ideas about AI, ML, and NLP are necessary.

3. Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated mobile pages have become a popular and essential development trend in 2022. As the name suggests, these involve building websites and applications that load blazingly fast and work smoothly across all devices. Mobile responsiveness is core to accelerated mobile development, and pages boast page load times of 2 seconds.

Google’s emphasis on mobile responsiveness has made AMPs an essential aspect of website design & development. Besides faster loading times, accelerated mobile pages are much more SEO friendly and can boost SERP rankings substantially. In addition, AMPs offer a much more seamless user experience and can reduce bounce rate by providing information & service to users lightning fast.

It is a trending web development design aspect & still one of the most popular mobile tech trends used worldwide since 2020, used on numerous websites that implement mobile technologies in their design.

4. Responsive Websites

A relatively dated design, when compared to newer design approaches, responsiveness is still a dominant trend in web development. As a result, Google emphasizes particularly on this design aspect, with responsiveness being a key SEO factor that affects SERP rankings. Additionally, mobile-first indexing is a factor that Google considers, and developers, designers & SEO engineers must consider such design considerations.

Most people prefer their mobiles and smartphones to access the Internet & this is a prevalent trend across the globe. Thus, among other factors, responsiveness is a crucial factor that affects a website or app’s Google SERP ranks.

Some top online businesses that have made their sites & apps responsive are Dropbox, Github, Dribbble, Shopify, Slack, and WIRED.

5. Single-Page Applications

Single-page applications are currently considered one of the most singularly effective trends. They differ from conventional web pages in that SPAs load the entire website at first & then render any & all dynamic content gradually, without any page refresh.

Single-page applications consume less server space, load faster, and present necessary information through exceptional user experience. Other significant benefits include lower server usage and decoupling the front-end from back-end logic & data. Developers can experiment as much as they want with the front end without worrying about messing up the back end. No wonder Google, Facebook, Twitter, and numerous other big brands have adopted SPA and consider it the future of the modern web!

HTML 5 and Asynchronous JavaScript & XML (AJAX) are central to developing single page applications. Furthermore, popular frameworks such as Angular JS offer specific features and functionalities for SPA development.

6. Voice Search Optimization

This is another major trend that no self-respecting web developer can afford to ignore. Voice search systems are found everywhere, integrated with Google & Bing, and a significant part of Android & iOS systems.

Juniper Research, a prominent tech research firm, predicts that by the end of 2022, more than 50% of online searches will be done by speech. So naturally, businesses need to make voice search optimization an essential aspect of their developmental and SEO strategies.

Web speech APIs have made integrating voice search features straightforward. For example, Mozilla offers a JavaScript API that offers speech-input & text-to-speech recognition features. In addition, the API does not depend upon the underlying speech recognition/synthesis implementation.

7. Web Assembly

A new revolutionary trend, WebAssembly offers a low-level assembly language like code wrapped in a compact binary format and provides a singular compilation target for different languages. With Web Assembly, it is now possible for client apps written in any language to run rampant on the web.

WebAssembly has become a game-changer in software development, used by major brands such as Zoom, Google Meet, Cloudflare, AutoCAD, etc. It augments front-end capabilities by leveraging the client system’s capabilities and ensuring apps crafted in languages other than HTML/CSS/JavaScript can run online via web browsers. As browsers & applications begin to integrate 3D engines & machine learning libraries, WebAssembly is expected to become more dominant in the future.

8. No-Code/ Low-Code Development

Web developers can’t be the jack of all trades; they must be the master. As the web evolves & scales increase exponentially, demands become more extensive & intricate, and solid coding knowledge & languages & frameworks mastery is considered necessary.

Well, things are changing!

The advent of low-code/no-code platforms has made it extremely simple for developers to design their apps. These platforms offer numerous features through simple UI that makes app designing simple & natural for even the layman. In addition, pre-built interfaces, design templates, and pre-built code blocks make it possible for even clients to design their applications, all with little or no technical experience.

And with that, we come to the end of this write-up. Hope it was a good read for everyone.

If you are an aspiring web developer, put in the hard work and expand your horizons every chance to become a pro. And, if assignments & coursework seem too challenging, do look for professional assignment or coursework help services.

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