Dental Implants

Do Your Dental Implants Last Forever?

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Are you having a tooth gap? Do you suffer from the inferiority complex of not having a beautiful smile due to a missing tooth? Well, the time has come to resolve all these issues and get something that you had been dreaming about all this while. People who have a missing tooth can now take the help of dental implants to get their smile back.

Unfortunately, not many are aware of dental implants. Also, people are sceptical about using dental implants as they have doubts about the longevity of these implants. For any layman or a novice, it is completely natural to have doubts about dental implants as they are aware of them. To help you learn about dental implant and their retaining capacity, we have come up with this blog.

In this blog, you will get to learn about dental implants, their durability, the different types of implants and many more. Also, many might not be able to figure out the perfect location to get a dental implant. Indeed, several dental clinics offer dental implant services. but everyone cannot spend a lot on a mere dental implant. If you are looking for cost-effective treatment, the affordable dental implant in Turkey is by your side.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is an artificial structure that is made to look like a natural tooth and can be fixed in a place where you have a tooth gap. In other words, a dental implant is an artificial tooth that replaces a tooth gap. The dental surgeon places the implant on the tooth gap, in between the jawbone with the help of a metal structure known as an abutment.

In general, if you are looking for a permanent replacement for your tooth gap, dental implants have your back. Today, scientific studies have shown that almost 90%-95% of dental implants have been conducted successfully and have lasted for more than a decade. Therefore, if you are still worried about whether to get a dental implant or if the dental implant is worthy, this data is solid proof to substantiate your idea.

The amount of time a dental implant will last depends on a variety of factors. In this blog, we will discuss the various factors that contribute to the longevity of dental implants.

Factors affecting the longevity of dental implants

Many people with dental implants have successfully passed several decades. On the other hand, some could not even manage to pass a month with a dental implant. The way you manage a dental implant differs from person to person. Here, we will take a look at the factors that contribute to the durability and retainability of dental implants. Let’s take a quick look at them.

  1. How long do dental implants last?

Generally, dental implants are said to be permanent. The way the dental implants are fixed on the jawbone gives them permanence. The dental surgeon puts the artificial tooth or the dental implant in between the teeth to help it bond well with the surrounding bones and tissues of the gum. This whole process of fixing a dental implant into a jaw is known as osseointegration.

After the completion of osseointegration, the surrounding tissues and bones along with the material used for the dental implant get fused. The better the fusion of all the elements put up inside the mouth, the better results you get. Therefore, dental implants form a prosthetic tooth while performing the same functions as that of a natural tooth.

Although dental implants are manufactured to produce a permanent solution, it may so happen that you need to change the crown after a few years. This is because the crown or the artificial tooth experiences wear and tear every day, just like any other tooth. Studies have shown that 50 to 80 per cent of the crowns of dental implants need a replacement after 15 to 20 years.

  1. Why do dental implants fail to function?

Although dental implants can last for a lifetime, in some cases, they also fail. Generally, dental implants fail when something gets into the implant during the osseointegration process or while it is getting healed. Here are some factors that contribute to the failure of dental implants:

  • Lack of proper care and maintenance 

    Even if you have got a dental implant, continuing with proper oral hygiene is equally important. When there is plaque development in and around the dental implant, it can take off the implant at any time or cause decay surrounding it.

  • Insufficient bone 

    The first and foremost condition of an endosteal implant is to ensure that there is enough jawbone surrounding the affected region. Not having enough jawbone means your jaws cannot hold the artificial teeth or the dental implants in place.

  • Smoking 

    When you are about to get a dental implant treatment, your dental surgeon will first ask you to quit smoking and drinking. This is because dental implants cannot tolerate caffeine. Not only do they get stained, but also get destroyed soon.

  • Teeth grinding 

    Sometimes, people have a habit of grinding teeth. This can lead to dental implants getting fractured.

  • Medical conditions 

    Several medical issues damage your dental implant. Some of the medical problems that can lead to destroying dental implants are diabetes, osteoporosis, gum bleeding and the like.

  1. How can you treat a failed dental implant?

When there is a failed dental implant, first you have to get it removed. To do so, local anaesthesia is a must as it is going to hurt. If it is a single dental implant, replacing it is the best solution that you can have. If you find that there has been some bone growth around the dental implant, in that case, bone grafting is required. If you cannot replace the failed dental implant, look for some other treatments such as dental bridges or dentures.


Now that you know the longevity of a dental implant, it is time to think for yourself and plan of getting one. Dental implants can remain healthy and strong for more than two decades, provided you take adequate care of them. Lack of oral hygiene can lead to damage them completely.

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