Dianabol (Methandrostenolone): effect, cure, dosage, results and opinion for bodybuilding

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Dianabol is an anabolic steroid belonging to the same family as Nandrolone or Anadrol. Despite being banned in most countries, it remains one of the most widely used steroids in the bodybuilding world. This oral steroid has a great effect on protein metabolism which results in significant strength and mass gain. We therefore present to you today a complete article about Dianabol: Legal Steroids for Sale  its operation, its properties, its results but also its side effects and health dangers.

What is Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)?

Also known as D-Bol, Danabol is the trade name of Methandrostenolone manufactured by the Ciba-Geigy laboratory. It is now considered the precursor of doping. This anabolic steroid was particularly appreciated by celebrities of the time for its rather exceptional mass gain capacity. 1960s-1970s bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger were quick to praise him when discussing his physical performance.

How to take Dianabol?

It is important to specify that Dianabol is a doping product that gives good results but is not without risk. Although it is banned in most countries of the world, it is still possible to obtain it illegally. It should therefore be noted that its use remains prohibited and that it can be expensive for high-level athletes in terms of suspension but also adverse health effects.

Dianabol dosage

Dianabol Methandrostenolone dosage varies according to the profile, goals and health conditions of the consumer. Known doses range from 20mg to 80mg per day. Unlike most anabolic steroids, this one is only available in pill form to be taken orally.

  • It is typically used as a “kickstart” at the start of an injectable steroid cycle before switching to other steroids.
  • It is strongly recommended to perform a PCT recovery phase at the end of the cycle. That is to say, the body must be allowed to resume its natural secretion of testosterone before starting a cycle of anabolic steroids. But also to preserve the liver and limit hepatotoxicity.
  • The higher the daily dose of Dianabol, the more doses should be separated during the day.

The Dianabol Steroid Cycle

The cycle of the steroid can fluctuate between 4 and 8 weeks depending on the doses used. Note that it is strongly advised not to go beyond 6 weeks of cycle in the event of a maximum dosage of Dianabol.

What are the results of Dianabol Methandrostenolone Steroid?

Dianabol Methandrostenolone is no longer a mystery for top athletes. It has a good number of properties which have earned it its reputation and which make it possible to obtain the following results:

  • Exceptional protein synthesis: thanks to its anabolic action, D-Bol boosts testosterone secretion in order to promote protein synthesis and therefore maximize muscle mass gain.
  • Increase in physical energy: the Methandrostenolone molecule increases insulin secretion. This increases the consumption of glucose, amino acids and minerals in order to increase the overall energy level.
  • Interesting strength gain: anavar the anabolic and androgenic combination of Dianabol allows an interesting increase in strength and thus improve performance.
  • Improved oxygenation: blood circulation is optimized thanks to its vasodilating action. Thus, the consumer has better oxygenation and therefore better endurance during sessions.

What are the risks and side effects?

Unsurprisingly, the steroid Dianabol Methandrostenolone is also known for its potential side effects. Like its friends, its use is not without risks.

physical effects

  • Skin problems: oily skin, acne breakouts, skin abscesses…
  • Male pattern baldness: For men, hair loss may occur with an overdose of D-Bol.
  • Virilization: for women, the androgenic aspect can lead to a disruption of the menstrual cycle, increased hair growth and a deeper tone of voice.
  • Fertility: in case of excessive consumption, Dianabol can influence the fertility of users. Thus, making the design more difficult.
  • Gynecomastia: the steroid D-Bol strongly disrupts the hormonal system, even in men. Thus, male consumers can experience quite a large breast enlargement.

mental effects

  • Mood and Mental: Heavy drinking directly impacts mental health and mood in general, sometimes leading to addiction and depression.
  • Aggressiveness and violence: the D-Bol steroid is known to cause states of anger or violence in regular users.
  • Sleep disorders: being renowned for its energy gain, too much consumption to cause sleep disorders or even significant insomnia.

Physiological effects

  • Nausea, vomiting, headaches, migraines…
  • Heart problems: Methandrostenolone may increase the risk of thickening of the arterial walls (arteriosclerosis). A phenomenon that promotes the risk of heart disease.
  • Hepatotoxicity: as with all steroids, D-Bol is particularly toxic to the body and especially the liver.
  • Dysregulation of testosterone: if the consumption of Dianabol promotes the secretion of testosterone, an overdose can have the opposite effect.
  • High blood pressure: complementary to heart problems, excessive use of Dianabol can increase blood pressure and therefore promote cardiovascular disease.

Who are the Methandrostenolone steroid users?

As mentioned above, the steroid D-Bol is considered to be one of the precursors to doping. It was the second steroid developed, after testosterone, before the 1960s.

Since then, bodybuilding and body-building enthusiasts have not hesitated to use it to maximize their physical performance. Rad 140 A criterion that has become essential to excel in the industry.

The history of Dianabol

Dianabol was created in the 1950s by Ciba Laboratories (now attached to the Swiss pharmaceutical group Novartis). As with most steroids, its creation was primarily to be able to treat severe pathologies such as anemia.

It was during the Cold War that he took his place in the world of sport. Indeed, the Americans did not hesitate to use it at the Olympic Games to maximize their performance against the Russians. Who they were already well ahead with the consumption of anabolic steroids.

Following several fairly significant side effects, the Food and Drugs Administration ended up banning Methandrostenolone from production, consumption and resale in most countries from 1990.

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